Illustration in black and white of a haunted doll coming out of a lake on fire

Icons for the for Hand Eye Society's Super FESTival 2022 website!

YA horror illustration, book cover based on a video game. Scary skull ghost spooks retro video game playing kid
Sci-Fi illustration of many people playing TTRPGs in space. There's humans and aliens playing together in zero gravity. The illustration is fun and playful.


iometric horror illustration, cartoon style, pink and creepy

Illustration for Hand Eye Society's Super FESTival 2022

Painterly horror illustration for the movie They Look Like People. The work is black and white and disturbing.
Painterly style book cover illustration of a girl on fire, not horror but powerful
woman in space, space station, working woman, LGBT+, Science Fiction
Illustrated isometric horror piece, a teen almost getting grabbed by some lovecraftian creature
Horror illustration of a ghoul done in a charcoal style, black and white and creepy
cartoon visual development illustration for a horror witch girl
Illustration of a group of camp counselors
Illustration self portrait in a cartoon style, black and white mostly, with fun font treatments
creepy character design illustration for video games and graphic novels
a spooky illustrated ghost
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